Can a Person With BPD Be a Good Friend?

Can a Person With BPD Be a Good Friend?

Given the symptoms, it can be challenging for individuals with BPD to maintain healthy relationships, including friendships. However, that does not mean that a person with BPD cannot be a good friend. In fact, with the proper understanding, individuals with BPD can form meaningful and supportive friendships.

One of the keys to being a good friend is communication. People with BPD may have difficulty expressing their emotions and thoughts clearly and coherently. This can sometimes lead to misunderstandings and conflicts in relationships. However, with self-awareness and therapy, individuals with BPD can learn to communicate effectively and express their needs and boundaries to their friends.

Another important aspect of being a good friend is empathy and understanding. Friends of individuals with BPD may need to be patient and empathetic towards their struggles and challenges. Both parties must have open and honest conversations about the disorder and how it may impact their friendship.

People with BPD may also benefit from setting boundaries and practising self-care in their friendships. Individuals with BPD need to recognise when they are feeling overwhelmed or triggered and to communicate this to their friends. By taking care of their own needs and boundaries, individuals with BPD can maintain healthier and more fulfilling friendships.
Can a Person With BPD Be a Good Friend?

In conclusion, while it may be challenging for individuals with BPD to navigate friendships, it is certainly possible for them to be good friends. With self-awareness, therapy, and support from understanding friends, individuals with BPD can form meaningful and supportive relationships. Both parties must practise empathy, communication, and self-care to create solid and lasting friendships.

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Author: Betshy is a Colombian, multi-disciplinary artist, academic, writer, and researcher. She is also a passionate student and a peaceful activist. BAME. Politically aware. Quantum minded. Neurodiverse. Betshy’s approach to investigation has a glocal, digital focus. She advocates for human rights, women’s rights, and penological reform. Her main areas of research in psychopathology are psychoses, borderline personality disorder, and psychopathy. Do visit for more articles like this one.

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