As the old saying goes “if I have a penny for every time someone said that I would be a millionaire!”, it can be frustrating to the point that it puts some people off ever asking for help ever again! But things don’t need to be like that. In fact, in this post I have five tips for you try that should end up with most people getting the help they need no matter where they live. While I did say in the post “How Can I Get Treatment for BPD in the UK?” that it is often down to a postcode lottery, you can still give yourself the best chance with these 5 tips…
Tip 1: When You Hit a Brick Wall, go Around it
I find it truly scary at the number of people who have told me their doctor refuses to help them or refer them. The truth is some doctors simply don’t believe in mental health issues and while this sounds crazy I promise you it is true for at least a handful of them. The best way to deal with those sorts of brick walls is to go around them. Ask to speak to someone else, complain about them, file a complaint form. Do whatever you can to get around that brick wall and get the help you can.
Tip 2: Explain Yourself Better
While I would love to live in a world in which all you have to do is to mention the fact that you have BPD to a doctor and you get help you need that is not the real world at all. In fact, most doctors wouldn’t have even heard of BPD because as general practitioners (GP’s) they don’t have to know anything about mental health. But they should ALWAYS refer you onwards to people who do. No excuses, no reason not to at all, they should just do it. But you might have to better explain what BPD is and why you are suffering with it. After all, people don’t suffer from BPD, they suffer from the symptoms of it.
Tip 3: Reach Out To All and Any
Just because some arcane doctor has told you there is no help on offer doesn’t mean you should roll over and play dead. What you can do is email the NHS, email MIND and other well-known organisations and ask what they suggest you do. While this process often means you have to wait longer to get the help many of us so desperately need it is a way to get around the brick walls again. Even the Samaritans can give you a little bit of advice as can the CAB (The Citizens Advice Bureaux).
Tip 4: Get Some Help, Getting Help
If your BPD is causing relationship issues, or issues with a friend or family member why not bring them into the meeting with your doctor. Sometimes they will put things in a way the doctor will better understand and their own frustration at your situation might well encourage the doctor to refer you onto the right people. Even just having a close friend in with you can sometimes give you the encouragement to talk about your
Tip 5: Know Your Rights
Did you know a doctor/GP can NOT refuse to refer you to mental health services? It’s against their code of medical conduct and they could be struck off for it as it is a form of medical neglect. So when they refuse to refer you without a sound and logical reason that you perfectly understand you might want to remind them of that. You have the right to any NHS services you require and while those services you need might not be available in your area, there will be some form of help they can offer. Sadly, sometimes you have to stand up and make your voice heard, but that should always be a last resort.
I hope at least a few of these tips will help you get access to support you need. Sure, some of them are easier said than done, but at least knowing them might help some people feel a little more empowered then they were before reading this post. As always, if you have any questions about BPD you would like us to answer do let us know via the Contact Page.